Daily Archives: May 20, 2012

Summer Colours Journal Page


Still flicking through my magazine for inspiration here 😀

I came across another advert that appealed to me, this one features all these gorgeous summery colours and shapes which you can see below:

I decided to use this as my inspiration and doodled some of the shapes freehand using my pencil in my journal pages to make a big 2 page spread.

All colouring was added using Caran D’ache Neo-Colour Water Colour Crayons; Ive fallen in love with using them again after they ruined so many of my pens in the past. I discovered that you can use the Derwent Inktense ‘Outliner’ pencil with them which you get in the set of 24 colours to outline with and you don’t need to ruin your pens!

The flowers where hilighted using a White Souffle Pen by Sakura to add further interest.

I added a lot more blue and green to my page because I love those colours so much and I wanted mine to be different to the advert and not a complete carbon copy.

These colours really make me think about Summer; how about you? What are your favourite summery colours to use?

Bee The Source Of Your Own Inspiration Journal Page


Whilst flicking through a magazine I came across a small picture which I immediately fell in love with, I think it was all the colours and the shapes in it.

You can see the picture below, look at all those lovely red, pinks and lilac balloons!

I decided to use the above picture as inspiration to make a journal page, I used a pencil to quickly doodle out the basic shapes and feel of the picture and scratched out basic colours using Neo-Colours watercolour crayons in pinks, reds, lilacs and yellows.

I added the doodle of the 2 leaf spigs on the left which were inspired by a small leaf branch that I had picked up outside, I loved the colours and the shapes so I decided to use them on the page as well because I wanted to add a totally different colour to the colour scheme already on the page.

I needed a quote for the page and was momentarily at a loss, I searched the page for an answer and asked myself what I was doing, then it hit me. I was pushing myself to find inspiration to journal, so I came up with the words:

Bee The Source Of Your Own Inspiration

It was a fun page to make which originally started out with no meaning at all, I liked that the lettered quote actually gave it a purpose.

It has a double meaning too; in the art community there is so much plagerism and copying going on and ripping off other peoples styles and ideas  Why do we need to do that when we are all different and unique in our own way?

Embrace your individuality; Don’t make Sheep Art!

Love See’s No Colour Or Gender Journal Page


Here is a lettering style journal page I did recently, I really enjoyed making this, I am addicted to playing around with word art and adding colour using my pro-marker pens:

Below is the bleed through of the marker pens on the back of the journal pages – pens such as pro-markers or copics tend to bleed through the back of the page like this. I always work with scrap paper on the reverse to prevent the colour from transferring onto the next page in my book.

I will probably use this bleed through page as the basis of a doodle Tangling style page using my fine liner Sharpie pens to draw with which dont bleed through at all 🙂

What are your favourite pens to use?

Art Is Breathing Journal Page


I was playing around with the notion what art actualy means to me personally, I couldn’t find the words I was looking for to describe something that feels so natural and important to me.

Art is something I now know I cannot live without, it is my saving grace, my sanity in a maddening world.

This is my page I did in response to my inner questioning; Art is as natural as Breathing – I couldn’t stop making or thinking about art anymore than I can stop breathing.

The background colours where done using Neo-colours to create a multicolour wash, lettering was coloured in white to make it pop:

How about you? What does art mean to you?

Favourite Colours Journal Page


I dont normally  buy magazines unless they are art or craft related ones, the other day while at the local shop I spotted a glossy type magazine on special offer so decided to pick it up to see if I could use it on my journal pages somehow.

Whilst flicking through the magazine I came across an advert that I liked and decided to use it as inspiration for a journal page:

Using the above picture as a starting point, I placed it before me and scribbled across my journal page to re-create the jewels on the page, next I adapted the wording and changed it to suit my page and added colour to it using Neo-colours for the backgrounds and Daler Rowney Pearlescent Acrylic Inks for the jewels and lettering.

Here is my finished page, it was hard to take a good picture of it because the jewels are all shiny and pearly:

I really enjoyed making this page, it was fun to do and it makes me now look at magazines in a different light! I will be looking through them more often in future looking for starting points to make journal pages with!

How about you? Have you ever used magazines to inspire you in this way?